
Last modified: 2013-2-27

Class max.db

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
No constructor.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
<static> void 
max.db. exportmetadata()
Causes Max to write the metadata information currently stored in the database to a file.
<static> void 
max.db. importmetadata()
Causes Max to load metadata information from a previously stored file into the Max database.
<static> void 
max.db. reset()
Causes Max to recreate the database Max uses when operating (e.g.
Class Detail


No constructor.
Method Detail
<static> {void} max.db.


Causes Max to write the metadata information currently stored in the database to a file. An optional argument can be used to specify a filename. If no filename is specified, the metadata is backed up to a file in your preferences folder.

<static> {void} max.db.


Causes Max to load metadata information from a previously stored file into the Max database. An optional argument can be used to specify a filename - when no argument is specified, Max will look for a backup file from a previous call to db.exportmeta in your preferences folder.

<static> {void} max.db.


Causes Max to recreate the database Max uses when operating (e.g. the File Browser).

Max MSP Documentation copied to JsDoc by Tim Schenk SEO Frelancer Berlin. Some examples are by him. Some descriptions of classes, interfaces, properties, methods or events are by him. Until now, most of it is a copy. Published with permission of Cycling '74. This document might be wrong or incomplete. All informations without any warranty. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit on 2013-2-27