Last modified: 2013-3-2
Class Sketch
Javascript files loaded by the jsui object have access to the Sketch object, which may be used
for drawing graphics. We will refer to the Sketch object and the methods it exposes as the Sketch API.
The Sketch API is built upon the cross platform OpenGL API, and can be divided into two categories:
"OpenGL Methods" and "High Level Methods". The "OpenGL Methods" are a direct binding for a large
portion of the low level OpenGL API, and the "High Level Methods" are extensions built upon lower level OpenGL calls.
Sketch in Cycling '74 Reference
Constructor Attributes | Constructor Name and Description |
<private> |
No constructor.
Field Attributes | Field Name and Description |
Number get/set |
not documented
Boolean get/set |
not documented
Boolean get/set |
Turns on/off full scene antialiasing.
Number get/set |
not documented
Array[2] get/set |
size[0] is width size[1] is height.
Method Attributes | Method Name and Description |
void |
Begin definition of a stroked path of the style specified by the stroke_style argument.
void |
circle(radius, ctheta_start, theta_end)
Draws a filled circle with radius specified by the radius argument.
void |
copypixels(source_object, destination_x, destination_y, source_x, source_y, width, height)
Copies pixels from the source object to the location specified by the destination_x and destination_y
void |
cube(scale_x, scale_y, scale_z)
Draws a cube with width 2*scale_x, height 2*scale_y, depth 2*scale_z, and center point at
the current drawing position.
void |
cylinder(radius1, radius2, mag, theta_start, theta_end)
Draws a cylinder with top radius specified by the radius1 argument, bottom radius specified by
the radius2 argument, length specified by the mag argument, and center point at the current
drawing position.
void |
The default2d method is a simple way to set the graphics state to default properties useful for 2D graphics.
void |
The default3d method is a simple way to set the graphics state to default properties useful for 3D
Float |
depthatpixel(x, y)
Returns the depth value associated with the currently rendered pixel at a given absolute screen coordinate.
void |
ellipse(radius1, radius2, theta_start, theta_end)
Draws a filled ellipse with radii specified by the radius1 and radius2 arguments.
void |
End definition of a stroked path, and render the path.
void |
Sets the current font to the fontname specified by the fontname argument.
void |
Sets the fontsize to the size specified by the points argument.
void |
framecircle(radius, theta_start, theta_end)
Draws a framed circle with radius specified by the radius argument.
void |
frameellipse(radius1, radius2, theta_start, theta_end)
Draws a framed ellipse with radii specified by the radius1 and radius2 arguments.
void |
framequad(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3, x4, y4, z4)
Draws a framed quadrilateral with four corners specified by the x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3, x4, y4, and z4
void |
frametri(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3)
Draws a framed triangle with three corners specified by the x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, and z3
void |
Frees the image data from the native c peer, which is not considered by the JavaScript garbage collector,
and may consume lots of memory until the garbage collector decides to run based on JS allocated memory.
Float Array[4] |
getpixel(x, y)
Returns an array containing the pixel value at the specified location.
Array[2] |
Returns an array containing the width and height of the given string in absolute screen coordinates,
taking into account the current font and fontsize.
void |
delimit the vertices of a primitive or a group of like primitives.
void |
bind a named texture to a texturing target.
void |
glblendfunc(src_function, dst_function)
specify pixel arithmetic.
void |
clear buffers to preset values.
void |
glclearcolor(red, green, blue, alpha)
specify clear values for the color buffers.
void |
specify the clear value for the depth buffer.
void |
glclipplane(plane, coeff1, coeff2, coeff3, coeff4)
specify a plane against which all geometry is clipped.
void |
glcolor(red, green, blue, alpha)
changes the color of the next objects to be drawn.
void |
glcolormask(red, green, blue, alpha)
enable and disable writing of frame buffer color components.
void |
glcolormaterial(face, mode)
The glColorMaterial function causes a material color to track the current color.
void |
specify whether front- or back-facing facets can be culled.
void |
enable or disable writing into the depth buffer.
void |
gldepthrange(near, far)
specify mapping of depth values from normalized device coordinates to window coordinates.
void |
disable server-side GL capabilities.
void |
write a block of pixels to the frame buffer.
void |
Flags polygon edges as either boundary or nonboundary edges.
void |
enable server-side GL capabilities.
void |
delimit the vertices of a primitive or a group of like primitives.
void |
block until all GL execution is complete.
void |
force execution of GL commands in finite time.
void |
glfog(parameter_name, value)
Fog is initially disabled.
void |
glfrustum(left, right, bottom, top, near, far)
multiply the current matrix by a perspective matrix.
void |
glhint(target, mode)
specify implementation-specific hints.
void |
gllight(light, parameter_name, value)
void |
gllightmodel(parameter_name, value)
void |
gllinestipple(factor, bit_pattern)
void |
void | |
void |
void |
void | |
void |
void |
void |
glnormal(x, y, z)
void |
glortho(left, right, bottom, top, near, far)
void |
void |
glpolygonmode(face, mode)
void |
glpolygonoffset(factor, units)
void | |
void | |
void | |
void | |
void |
glrect(x1, y1, x2, y2)
void |
glrotate(angle, x, y, z)
void |
glscale(x_scale, y_scale, z_scale)
void |
glscissor(x, y, width, height)
void |
void |
gltexcoord(s, t)
void |
gltexenv(parameter_name, val1, val2, val3, val4)
void |
gltexgen(coord, parameter_name, val1, val2, val3, val4)
void |
gltexparameter(parameter_name, val1, val2, val3, val4)
void |
gltranslate(delta_x, delta_y, delta_z)
void |
glulookat(eye_x, eye_y, eye_z, center_x, center_y, center_z, up_x, up_y, up_z)
void |
gluortho2d(left, right, bottom, top)
void |
gluperspective(fovy, aspect, near, far)
void |
gluvertex(x, y, z)
void |
glviewport(x, y, width, height)
void |
line(delta_x, delta_y, delta_z)
Draws a line from the current drawing position to the location specified the sum of the current
drawing position and the delta x, y, and z arguments.
void |
linesegment(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2)
Draws a line from the location specified by the x1, y1, and z1 arguments to the location specified
by the x2, y2, and z2 arguments.
void |
lineto(x, y, z)
Draws a line from the current drawing position to the location specified by the x, y, and z arguments.
void |
move(delta_x, delta_y, delta_z)
Moves the drawing position to the location specified by the sum of the current
drawing position and the delta x, y, and z arguments.
void |
moveto(x, y, z)
Moves the drawing position to the location specified by the x, y, and z arguments.
void |
The orth3d method is a simple way to set the graphics state to default properties useful for 3D
graphics, using an orthographic projection (i.e.
void |
plane(scale_x1, scale_y1, scale_x2, scale_y2)
Draws a plane with top width 2*scale_x1, left height 2*scale_y1, bottom width 2*scale_x2, right height 2*scale_y2,
and center point at the current drawing position.
void |
point(x, y, z)
Draws a point at the location specified by the x, y, and z arguments.
void |
quad(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3, x4, y4, z4)
Draws a filled quadrilateral with four corners specified by the x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3, x4, y4, and z4
void |
Draws a rounded plane with width 2*scale_x, and height 2*scale_y and center point at the current drawing
Float Array[3] |
screentoworld(x, y)
Returns an array containing the x, y, and z world coordinates associated with a given screen pixel
using the same the depth from the camera as 0,0,0.
void |
setpixel(x, y, red, green, blue, alpha)
Sets the pixel value at the specified location.
void |
shapeorient(rotation_x, rotation_y, rotation_z)
Sets the rotation for drawing internal to any of the "shape" drawing methods to the rotation specified
by the x_rot, y_rot, and rotation_x, rotation_y, and rotation_z arguments.
void |
Sets the OpenGL drawing primitive to use within any of the "shape" drawing methods.
void |
shapeslice(slice_a, slice_b)
Sets the number of slices to use when rendering any of the "shape" drawing methods.
void |
sphere(radius, theta1_start, theta1_end, theta2_start, theta2_end)
Draws a sphere with radius specified by the radius argument and center point at the current
drawing position.
void |
strokeparam(parameter_name, parameter_values)
Set the current value of the parameter specified by the parameter_name argument to be the value specified
by parameter_values argument(s).
void |
strokepoint(x, y, z)
Defines an anchor point at the location specified by the x, y, and z arguments.
void |
Draws the text specified by the string argument at the current drawing position, taking into account
the current font, fontsize, and text alignment.
void |
textalign(align_x, align_y)
Sets the alignment of text to be drawn with respect to the current drawing position.
void |
torus(radius1, radius2, theta1_start, theta1_end, theta2_start, theta2_end)
Draws a torus with major radius specified by the radius1 argument, minor radius specified by the
radius2 argument, and center point at the current drawing position.
void |
tri(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3)
Draws a filled triangle with three corners specified by the x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, and z3
void |
worldtoscreen(x, y, z)
Returns an array containing the x, y, and depth screen coordinates associated with a given world
Class Detail
No constructor. Javascript files loaded by the jsui object have access to the Sketch object, which may be used
for drawing graphics. We will refer to the Sketch object and the methods it exposes as the Sketch API.
The Sketch API is built upon the cross platform OpenGL API, and can be divided into two categories:
"OpenGL Methods" and "High Level Methods". The "OpenGL Methods" are a direct binding for a large
portion of the low level OpenGL API, and the "High Level Methods" are extensions built upon lower level OpenGL calls.
An example of a high level method would be sketch.sphere(0.1) which calculates all of the geometry and associated information for lighting and color, and based on the current state of the sketch object, issues many OpenGL calls to render a sphere. The sketch.sphere() method is much simpler to use than the underlying OpenGL calls it makes use of. We consider "high level" to be that which isolates the programmer from the intricate details of OpenGL.
OpenGL Conventions and Differences
All OpenGL methods begin with prefix, "gl". While we will provide a listing of supported OpenGL methods in this document, for more in-depth coverage of OpenGL we recommend that you consult either online or printed documentation concerning the OpenGL API. The website is the official online resource for OpenGL, and is a good starting point for online documentation, tutorials, links, news and other information pertaining to OpenGL. There are a few important differences between the OpenGL API, and the methods which the Sketch object exposes:
Colors and Coordinates
As is the convention in OpenGL, color values should be specified with each component as a floating point number in the range of 0.-1., as opposed to an integer in the range 0-255. For example red would be (1.,0.,0.), rather than (255,0,0). OpenGL also supports the use of an alpha channel for transparency and other types of blending modes. Colors with alpha channel values may be specified as RGBA, for example, green with 25% opacity would be (0.,1.,0.,0.25). If there is no alpha channel value present, it is assumed to be 1.--i.e. 100% opaque. By default, alpha blending is enabled. To turn off blending, use sketch.gldisable("blend"). When working in 3D, depth buffering is turned on by default, and will typically interfere with attempts to blend transparent objects. To turn off depth buffering, use sketch.gldisable("depth_test").
Unlike some graphics APIs, the OpenGL API does not distinguish between 2D and 3D drawing. Conventional 2D drawing is simply a subset of 3D drawing calls with specific graphics state--e.g. no lighting, no depth testing, orthorgraphic projection, et cetera. High level utility methods are provided as a convenience to setup up the OpenGL graphics state to something typically used for 2D or 3D graphics. If assuming 2D drawing conventions, one can ordinarily use z coordinates of zero for all methods that require them.
Coordinates in OpenGL are also given in terms of floating point relative world coordinates, rather than absolute pixel coordinates. The scale of these world coordinates will change depending on the current graphics transformation--i.e. translation, rotation, scaling, projection mode, viewport, etc. However, our default mapping is that Y coordinates are in the range -1. to 1 from bottom to top, and X coordinates are in the range -aspect to aspect from left to right, where aspect is equal to the ratio of width/height. In the default case, (0,0) will be center of your object, (-aspect,1.) will be the upper left corner, and (aspect,-1.) will be the lower right corner.
Note that user events are typically provided in terms of absolute screen coordinates. Please see the sketch.screentoworld() and sketch.worldtoscreen() methods for converting between absolute screen coordinates and relative world coordinates.
An example of a high level method would be sketch.sphere(0.1) which calculates all of the geometry and associated information for lighting and color, and based on the current state of the sketch object, issues many OpenGL calls to render a sphere. The sketch.sphere() method is much simpler to use than the underlying OpenGL calls it makes use of. We consider "high level" to be that which isolates the programmer from the intricate details of OpenGL.
OpenGL Conventions and Differences
All OpenGL methods begin with prefix, "gl". While we will provide a listing of supported OpenGL methods in this document, for more in-depth coverage of OpenGL we recommend that you consult either online or printed documentation concerning the OpenGL API. The website is the official online resource for OpenGL, and is a good starting point for online documentation, tutorials, links, news and other information pertaining to OpenGL. There are a few important differences between the OpenGL API, and the methods which the Sketch object exposes:
- The Sketch methods are all lowercase, and only exist within the context of a sketch object. For example, this means that glBegin() will be sketch.glbegin(), and glClearColor() will be sketch.glclearcolor(). Javascript's "with" statement may be used to avoid having to type "sketch." for every method call.
- All symbolic constants are lowercase Javascript strings, and have no "GL_" prefix. For example the constant GL_LIGHTING will be the Javascript string "lighting", and GL_LINE_STRIP is replaced with "line_strip".
- There are no special versions of vector calls. Only floating point values are supported, and sketch will fill in extra values with defaults. For example glColorv4fv(), glColorv3fv(), etc. will simply be sketch.glcolor().
- Sketch supports passing Javascript arrays in place of individual arguments. So glColor3f(0.,0.,1.) can be replaced with either sketch.glcolor(0.,0.,1.), or sketch.glcolor(frgb), where frgb is the array [0.,0.,1.].
Colors and Coordinates
As is the convention in OpenGL, color values should be specified with each component as a floating point number in the range of 0.-1., as opposed to an integer in the range 0-255. For example red would be (1.,0.,0.), rather than (255,0,0). OpenGL also supports the use of an alpha channel for transparency and other types of blending modes. Colors with alpha channel values may be specified as RGBA, for example, green with 25% opacity would be (0.,1.,0.,0.25). If there is no alpha channel value present, it is assumed to be 1.--i.e. 100% opaque. By default, alpha blending is enabled. To turn off blending, use sketch.gldisable("blend"). When working in 3D, depth buffering is turned on by default, and will typically interfere with attempts to blend transparent objects. To turn off depth buffering, use sketch.gldisable("depth_test").
Unlike some graphics APIs, the OpenGL API does not distinguish between 2D and 3D drawing. Conventional 2D drawing is simply a subset of 3D drawing calls with specific graphics state--e.g. no lighting, no depth testing, orthorgraphic projection, et cetera. High level utility methods are provided as a convenience to setup up the OpenGL graphics state to something typically used for 2D or 3D graphics. If assuming 2D drawing conventions, one can ordinarily use z coordinates of zero for all methods that require them.
Coordinates in OpenGL are also given in terms of floating point relative world coordinates, rather than absolute pixel coordinates. The scale of these world coordinates will change depending on the current graphics transformation--i.e. translation, rotation, scaling, projection mode, viewport, etc. However, our default mapping is that Y coordinates are in the range -1. to 1 from bottom to top, and X coordinates are in the range -aspect to aspect from left to right, where aspect is equal to the ratio of width/height. In the default case, (0,0) will be center of your object, (-aspect,1.) will be the upper left corner, and (aspect,-1.) will be the lower right corner.
Note that user events are typically provided in terms of absolute screen coordinates. Please see the sketch.screentoworld() and sketch.worldtoscreen() methods for converting between absolute screen coordinates and relative world coordinates.
- Example:
sketch.default2d(); // no benefit from antialiasing in this example sketch.fsaa=0; var mybrgb = [0.2,0.2,0.2]; var myfrgb = [0.8,0.8,0.8]; draw(); function draw(){ var str,width,height,aspect,down; var cmid = new Array(); var c1,c2,c3,c4; height = box.rect[3] - box.rect[1]; width = box.rect[2] - box.rect[0]; aspect = width/height; with (sketch) { glclearcolor(mybrgb); glclear(); glcolor(myfrgb); fontsize(height*0.1); textalign("center","center"); moveto(0,0.5); text("size: " + width + "," + height); moveto(0,-0.5); text("aspect: " + aspect.toFixed(2)); } }
Field Detail
{Number get/set}
not documented
{Boolean get/set}
not documented
{Boolean get/set}
Turns on/off full scene antialiasing.
{Number get/set}
not documented
{Array[2] get/set}
size[0] is width size[1] is height.
Method Detail
Begin definition of a stroked path of the style specified by the stroke_style argument.
Currently supported stroke styles are:
- basic2d
- line
- Example:
- Parameters:
- {String} stroke_style
(radius, ctheta_start, theta_end)
Draws a filled circle with radius specified by the radius argument. If theta_start and theta_end are specified,
then an arc will be drawn instead of a full circle. The theta_start and theta_end arguments are in terms of
degrees(0-360). The current shapeorient, shapeslice, and shapeprim values will also affect the drawing.
- Example:
- Parameters:
- {Float} radius
- {Float} ctheta_start
- {Float} theta_end
(source_object, destination_x, destination_y, source_x, source_y, width, height)
Copies pixels from the source object to the location specified by the destination_x and destination_y
arguments. The initial x and y offset into the source and size of the rectangle copied can be speified
by the source_x, source_y, width and height arguments. If these are not present an x and y offset of
zero and width and height equal to the source image is assumed. No scaling of pixels is supported. The
source object can either be an instance of Image, or Sketch. If blending is enabled in the destination
sketch object, alpha blending will be performed and the current alpha color will also be applied globally.
The copypixels method is much faster than obtaining the equivalent result using glbindtexture() to
texture a plane, and is the recommended means of drawing images when scaling and rotation is not required.
- Example:
- Parameters:
- {Maxobj} source_object
- {Integer} destination_x
- {Integer} destination_y
- {Integer} source_x
- {Integer} source_y
- {Integer} width
- {Integer} height
(scale_x, scale_y, scale_z)
Draws a cube with width 2*scale_x, height 2*scale_y, depth 2*scale_z, and center point at
the current drawing position. If the scale_y and scale_z arguments are not specified, they
will assume the same value as scale_x. The current shapeorient, shapeslice, and shapeprim
values will also affect the drawing.
- Example:
- Parameters:
- {Float} scale_x
- {Float} scale_y
- {Float} scale_z
(radius1, radius2, mag, theta_start, theta_end)
Draws a cylinder with top radius specified by the radius1 argument, bottom radius specified by
the radius2 argument, length specified by the mag argument, and center point at the current
drawing position. If the theta_start and theta_end arguments are specified, then a patch will
be drawn instead of a full cylinder. The theta_start and theta_end arguments are in terms of
degrees(0-360). The current shapeorient, shapeslice, and shapeprim values will also affect the drawing.
- Example:
- Parameters:
- {Float} radius1
- {Float} radius2
- {Float} mag
- {Float} theta_start
- {Float} theta_end
The default2d method is a simple way to set the graphics state to default properties useful for 2D graphics.
It is called everytime your object is resized if default2d() has been called more recently than default3d().
It is essentially equivalent to the following set of calls:
- Example:
with (sketch) { glpolygonmode("front_and_back","fill"); glpointsize(1.); gllinewidth(1.); gldisable("depth_test"); gldisable("fog"); glcolor(0.,0.,0.,1.); glshademodel("smooth"); gldisable("lighting"); gldisable("normalize"); gldisable("texture"); glmatrixmode("projection"); glloadidentity(); glortho(-aspect, aspect, -1, 1, -1,100.); glmatrixmode("modelview"); glloadidentity(); glulookat(0.,0.,2.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,1.); glclearcolor(1., 1., 1., 1.); glclear(); glenable("blend"); glblendfunc("src_alpha","one_minus_src_alpha"); }
The default3d method is a simple way to set the graphics state to default properties useful for 3D
graphics. It is called everytime the jsui object is resized if default3d() has been called more
recently than default2d().
It is essentially equivalent to the following set of calls:
It is essentially equivalent to the following set of calls:
- Example:
with (sketch) { glpolygonmode("front_and_back","fill"); glpointsize(1.); gllinewidth(1.); glenable("depth_test"); glenable("fog"); glcolor(0.,0.,0.,1.); glshademodel("smooth"); gllightmodel("two_side", "true"); glenable("lighting"); glenable("light0"); glenable("normalize"); gldisable("texture"); glmatrixmode("projection"); glloadidentity(); gluperspective(default_lens_angle, aspect, 0.1, 100.); glmatrixmode("modelview"); glloadidentity(); glulookat(0.,0.,2.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,1.); glclearcolor(1., 1., 1., 1.); glclear(); glenable("blend"); glblendfunc("src_alpha","one_minus_src_alpha"); }
(x, y)
Returns the depth value associated with the currently rendered pixel at a given absolute screen coordinate.
- Example:
- Parameters:
- {Integer} x
- {Integer} y
(radius1, radius2, theta_start, theta_end)
Draws a filled ellipse with radii specified by the radius1 and radius2 arguments. If theta_start and theta_end
are specified, then an arc will be drawn instead of a full ellipse. The theta_start and theta_end arguments
are in terms of degrees(0-360). The current shapeorient, shapeslice, and shapeprim values will also affect the drawing.
- Example:
- Parameters:
- {Float} radius1
- {Float} radius2
- {Float} theta_start
- {Float} theta_end
End definition of a stroked path, and render the path.
- Example:
Sets the current font to the fontname specified by the fontname argument.
- Example:
- Parameters:
- {String} fontname
Sets the fontsize to the size specified by the points argument. Note that this size is an absolute,
rather than relative value.
- Example:
- Parameters:
- {Float} points
(radius, theta_start, theta_end)
Draws a framed circle with radius specified by the radius argument. If theta_start and theta_end are specified,
then an arc will be drawn instead of a full circle. The theta_start and theta_end arguments are in terms of
degrees(0-360). The current shapeorient, shapeslice, and shapeprim values will also affect the drawing.
- Example:
- Parameters:
- {Float} radius
- {Float} theta_start
- {Float} theta_end
(radius1, radius2, theta_start, theta_end)
Draws a framed ellipse with radii specified by the radius1 and radius2 arguments. If theta_start and
theta_end are specified, then an arc will be drawn instead of a full ellipse. The theta_start and
theta_end arguments are in terms of degrees(0-360). The current shapeorient, shapeslice, and shapeprim
values will also affect the drawing.
- Example:
- Parameters:
- {Float} radius1
- {Float} radius2
- {Float} theta_start
- {Float} theta_end
(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3, x4, y4, z4)
Draws a framed quadrilateral with four corners specified by the x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3, x4, y4, and z4
arguments. After this method has been called, the drawing position is updated to the location specified by the x4,
y4, and z4 arguments.
- Example:
- Parameters:
- {Float} x1
- {Float} y1
- {Float} z1
- {Float} x2
- {Float} y2
- {Float} z2
- {Float} x3
- {Float} y3
- {Float} z3
- {Float} x4
- {Float} y4
- {Float} z4
(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3)
Draws a framed triangle with three corners specified by the x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, and z3
arguments. After this method has been called, the drawing position is updated to the location specified
by the x3, y3, and z3 arguments.
- Example:
- Parameters:
- {Float} x1
- {Float} y1
- {Float} z1
- {Float} x2
- {Float} y2
- {Float} z2
- {Float} x3
- {Float} y3
- {Float} z3
Frees the image data from the native c peer, which is not considered by the JavaScript garbage collector,
and may consume lots of memory until the garbage collector decides to run based on JS allocated memory.
Once called, the Sketch object is not available for any other use.
- Example:
{Float Array[4]}
(x, y)
Returns an array containing the pixel value at the specified location. This array is ordered RGBA,
i.e. array element 0 is red, 1, green, 2, blue, 3 alpha. Color values are floating point numbers in the range 0.-1.
- Example:
- Parameters:
- {Integer} x
- {Integer} y
Returns an array containing the width and height of the given string in absolute screen coordinates,
taking into account the current font and fontsize.
- Example:
- Parameters:
- {String} string
(mode)- Example:
- Parameters:
- {String} mode
- Specifies the primitive or primitives that will be created from vertices presented between glBegin and the
subsequent glEnd. Ten symbolic constants are accepted:
- points
- lines
- line_strip
- line_loop
- triangles
- triangle_strip
- triangle_fan
- quads
- quad_strip
- polygon
bind a named texture to a texturing target. Note: this method also calls glenable(texture)
See OpenGL Reference
See OpenGL Reference
- Example:
- Parameters:
- {Image} image_object
(src_function, dst_function)- Example:
- Parameters:
- {String} src_function
- Specifies how the red, green, blue, and alpha source blending factors are computed.
Nine symbolic constants are accepted:
- zero
- one
- dst_color
- one_minus_dst_color
- src_alpha
- one_minus_src_alpha
- dst_alpha
- one_minus_dst_alpha
- src_alpha_saturate
- {String} dst_function
- Specifies how the red, green, blue, and alpha destination blending factors are computed.
Eight symbolic constants are accepted:
- zero
- one
- src_color
- one_minus_src_color
- src_alpha
- one_minus_src_alpha
- dst_alpha
- one_minus_dst_alpha
()- Example:
(red, green, blue, alpha)- Example:
- Parameters:
- {Float} red
- {Float} green
- {Float} blue
- {Float} alpha
(depth)- Example:
- Parameters:
- {Float} depth
(plane, coeff1, coeff2, coeff3, coeff4)- Example:
- Parameters:
- {Integer} plane
- {Float} coeff1
- {Float} coeff2
- {Float} coeff3
- {Float} coeff4
(red, green, blue, alpha)- Example:
- Parameters:
- {Float} red
- {Float} green
- {Float} blue
- {Float} alpha
(red, green, blue, alpha)
enable and disable writing of frame buffer color components. Specify whether red, green, blue, and alpha are to be written
into the frame buffer. The initial values are all 'true', indicating that the color components are written.
See OpenGL Reference
See OpenGL Reference
- Example:
- Parameters:
- {Boolean} red
- {Boolean} green
- {Boolean} blue
- {Boolean} alpha
(face, mode)
The glColorMaterial function causes a material color to track the current color.
See OpenGL Reference
See OpenGL Reference
- Example:
- Parameters:
- {String} face
- Specifies whether front, back, or both front and back material parameters should track the current color. Accepted values are front, back, and front_and_back. The default value is front_and_back.
- {String} mode
- Specifies which of several material parameters track the current color. Accepted values are emission, ambient, diffuse, specular, and ambient_and_diffuse. The default value is ambient_and_diffuse.
(mode)- Example:
- Parameters:
- {String} mode
- Specifies whether front- or back-facing facets are candidates for culling. Symbolic constants front, back, and front_and_back are accepted. The initial value is back.
(on)- Example:
- Parameters:
- {Boolean} on
(near, far)
specify mapping of depth values from normalized device coordinates to window coordinates.
See OpenGL Reference
See OpenGL Reference
- Example:
- Parameters:
- {Float} near
- Specifies the mapping of the near clipping plane to window coordinates. The initial value is 0.
- {Float} far
- Specifies the mapping of the far clipping plane to window coordinates. The initial value is 1.
(capability)- Example:
- Parameters:
- {String} capability
(image)- Example:
- Parameters:
- {Maxobj} image
Flags polygon edges as either boundary or nonboundary edges.
This can be used to determine whether interior surface lines are visible.
See OpenGL Reference
See OpenGL Reference
- Example:
- Parameters:
- {Boolean} on
(capability)- Example:
- Parameters:
- capability
()- Example:
block until all GL execution is complete.
glFinish does not return until the effects of all previously
called GL commands are complete.
Such effects include all changes to GL state,
all changes to connection state,
and all changes to the frame buffer contents.
See OpenGL Reference
See OpenGL Reference
- Example:
force execution of GL commands in finite time.
Different GL implementations buffer commands in several different locations,
including network buffers and the graphics accelerator itself.
glFlush empties all of these buffers,
causing all issued commands to be executed as quickly as
they are accepted by the actual rendering engine.
Though this execution may not be completed in any particular
time period, it does complete in finite time.
Because any GL program might be executed over a network,
or on an accelerator that buffers commands,
all programs should call glFlush whenever they count on having
all of their previously issued commands completed.
For example,
call glFlush before waiting for user input that depends on
the generated image.
See OpenGL Reference
See OpenGL Reference
- Example:
(parameter_name, value)
Fog is initially disabled. While enabled, fog affects rasterized geometry, bitmaps, and pixel blocks,
but not buffer clear operations. To enable and disable fog, call glEnable and glDisable with argument
GL_FOG. glFog assigns the value or values in params to the fog parameter specified by pname.
See OpenGL Reference
See OpenGL Reference
- Example:
- Parameters:
- {String} parameter_name
- The following values are accepted for pname:
params is a single integer or floating-point value that specifies the equation to be used to compute the fog blend factor, f. Three symbolic constants are accepted:- linear
- exp
- exp2
params is a single integer or floating-point value that specifies density, the fog density used in both exponential fog equations. Only nonnegative densities are accepted. The initial fog density is 1. -
params is a single integer or floating-point value that specifies start, the near distance used in the linear fog equation. The initial near distance is 0. -
params is a single integer or floating-point value that specifies end, the far distance used in the linear fog equation. The initial far distance is 1. -
params is a single integer or floating-point value that specifies if, the fog color index. The initial fog index is 0. -
params contains four integer or floating-point values that specify Cf, the fog color. Integer values are mapped linearly such that the most positive representable value maps to 1.0, and the most negative representable value maps to -1.0. Floating-point values are mapped directly. After conversion, all color components are clamped to the range [0, 1]. The initial fog color is (0, 0, 0, 0).
- {mixed} value
- depends on parameter_name
(left, right, bottom, top, near, far)- Example:
- Parameters:
- {Float} left
- Specify the coordinates for the left and right vertical clipping planes.
- {Float} right
- Specify the coordinates for the left and right vertical clipping planes.
- {Float} bottom
- Specify the coordinates for the bottom and top horizontal clipping planes.
- {Float} top
- Specify the coordinates for the bottom and top horizontal clipping planes.
- {Float} near
- Specify the distances to the near and far depth clipping planes. Both distances must be positive.
- {Float} far
- Specify the distances to the near and far depth clipping planes. Both distances must be positive.
(target, mode)- Example:
- Parameters:
- target
- mode
(light, parameter_name, value)- Example:
- Parameters:
- light
- parameter_name
- value
(parameter_name, value)- Example:
- Parameters:
- parameter_name
- value
(factor, bit_pattern)- Example:
- Parameters:
- factor
- bit_pattern
(width)- Example:
- Parameters:
- width
()- Example:
(matrix_array)- Example:
- Parameters:
- matrix_array
(opcode)- Example:
- Parameters:
- opcode
()- Example:
(mode)- Example:
- Parameters:
- mode
(matrix_array)- Example:
- Parameters:
- matrix_array
(x, y, z)- Example:
- Parameters:
- x
- y
- z
(left, right, bottom, top, near, far)- Example:
- Parameters:
- left
- right
- bottom
- top
- near
- far
(size)- Example:
- Parameters:
- size
(face, mode)- Example:
- Parameters:
- face
- mode
(factor, units)- Example:
- Parameters:
- factor
- units
()- Example:
()- Example:
()- Example:
()- Example:
(x1, y1, x2, y2)- Example:
- Parameters:
- x1
- y1
- x2
- y2
(angle, x, y, z)- Example:
- Parameters:
- angle
- x
- y
- z
(x_scale, y_scale, z_scale)- Example:
- Parameters:
- x_scale
- y_scale
- z_scale
(x, y, width, height)- Example:
- Parameters:
- x
- y
- width
- height
(mode)- Example:
- Parameters:
- mode
(s, t)- Example:
- Parameters:
- s
- t
(parameter_name, val1, val2, val3, val4)- Example:
- Parameters:
- parameter_name
- val1
- val2
- val3
- val4
(coord, parameter_name, val1, val2, val3, val4)- Example:
- Parameters:
- coord
- parameter_name
- val1
- val2
- val3
- val4
(parameter_name, val1, val2, val3, val4)- Example:
- Parameters:
- parameter_name
- val1
- val2
- val3
- val4
(delta_x, delta_y, delta_z)- Example:
- Parameters:
- delta_x
- delta_y
- delta_z
(eye_x, eye_y, eye_z, center_x, center_y, center_z, up_x, up_y, up_z)- Example:
- Parameters:
- eye_x
- eye_y
- eye_z
- center_x
- center_y
- center_z
- up_x
- up_y
- up_z
(left, right, bottom, top)- Example:
- Parameters:
- left
- right
- bottom
- top
(fovy, aspect, near, far)- Example:
- Parameters:
- fovy
- aspect
- near
- far
(x, y, z)- Example:
- Parameters:
- x
- y
- z
(x, y, width, height)- Example:
- Parameters:
- x
- y
- width
- height
(delta_x, delta_y, delta_z)
Draws a line from the current drawing position to the location specified the sum of the current
drawing position and the delta x, y, and z arguments. After this method has been called, the
drawing position is updated to the location specified by the sum of the current drawing position
and the delta x, y, and z arguments.
- Example:
- Parameters:
- {Float} delta_x
- {Float} delta_y
- {Float} delta_z
(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2)
Draws a line from the location specified by the x1, y1, and z1 arguments to the location specified
by the x2, y2, and z2 arguments. After this method has been called, the drawing position is updated
to the location specified by the x2, y2, and z2 arguments.
- Example:
- Parameters:
- {Float} x1
- {Float} y1
- {Float} z1
- {Float} x2
- {Float} y2
- {Float} z2
(x, y, z)
Draws a line from the current drawing position to the location specified by the x, y, and z arguments.
After this method has been called, the drawing position is updated to the location specified
by the x, y, and z arguments.
- Example:
- Parameters:
- {Float} x
- {Float} y
- {Float} z
(delta_x, delta_y, delta_z)
Moves the drawing position to the location specified by the sum of the current
drawing position and the delta x, y, and z arguments.
- Example:
- Parameters:
- {Float} delta_x
- {Float} delta_y
- {Float} delta_z
(x, y, z)
Moves the drawing position to the location specified by the x, y, and z arguments.
- Example:
- Parameters:
- {Float} x
- {Float} y
- {Float} z
The orth3d method is a simple way to set the graphics state to default properties useful for 3D
graphics, using an orthographic projection (i.e. object scale is not affected by distance from the camera).
It is called every time the jsui object is resized if ortho3d() has been called more recently than
default2d(), or default3d().
It is essentially equivalent to the following set of calls:
It is essentially equivalent to the following set of calls:
- Example:
with (sketch) { glpolygonmode("front_and_back","fill"); glpointsize(1.); gllinewidth(1.); glenable("depth_test"); glenable("fog"); glcolor(0.,0.,0.,1.); glshademodel("smooth"); gllightmodel("two_side", "true"); glenable("lighting"); glenable("light0"); glenable("normalize"); gldisable("texture"); glmatrixmode("projection"); glloadidentity(); glortho(-aspect, aspect, -1, 1, -1,100.); glmatrixmode("modelview"); glloadidentity(); glulookat(0.,0.,2.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,1.); glclearcolor(1., 1., 1., 1.); glenable("blend"); glblendfunc("src_alpha","one_minus_src_alpha"); }
(scale_x1, scale_y1, scale_x2, scale_y2)
Draws a plane with top width 2*scale_x1, left height 2*scale_y1, bottom width 2*scale_x2, right height 2*scale_y2,
and center point at the current drawing position. If scale_y1 is not specified, it will assume the same value as
scale_x1. If scale_x2 and scale_y2 are not specified, they will assume the same values as scale_x1 and scale_y1
respectively. The current shapeorient, shapeslice, and shapeprim values will also affect the drawing.
- Example:
- Parameters:
- {Float} scale_x1
- {Float} scale_y1
- {Float} scale_x2
- {Float} scale_y2
(x, y, z)
Draws a point at the location specified by the x, y, and z arguments. After this method
has been called, the drawing position is updated to the location specified by the x, y, and z arguments.
- Example:
- Parameters:
- {Float} x
- {Float} y
- {Float} z
(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3, x4, y4, z4)
Draws a filled quadrilateral with four corners specified by the x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3, x4, y4, and z4
arguments. After this method has been called, the drawing position is updated to the location specified by the x4,
y4, and z4 arguments.
- Example:
- Parameters:
- {Float} x1
- {Float} y1
- {Float} z1
- {Float} x2
- {Float} y2
- {Float} z2
- {Float} x3
- {Float} y3
- {Float} z3
- {Float} x4
- {Float} y4
- {Float} z4
Draws a rounded plane with width 2*scale_x, and height 2*scale_y and center point at the current drawing
position. The size of the rounded portion of the plane is determined by the round_amount argument. If
scale_y is not specified, it will assume the same value as scale_x. The current shapeorient, shapeslice,
and shapeprim values will also affect the drawing.
- Example:
{Float Array[3]}
(x, y)
Returns an array containing the x, y, and z world coordinates associated with a given screen pixel
using the same the depth from the camera as 0,0,0. Optionally a third depth arg may be specified,
which may be useful for hit detection and other applications. The depth value is typically specified
in the range 0.-1. where 0 is the near clipping plane, and 1. is the far clipping plane. The worldtoscreen
method can be used to determine the depth value of a given world coordinate, and the depthatpixel method
can be used to determine the depth value associated with the currently rendered pixel at a given absolute
screen coordinate.
- Example:
- Parameters:
- {Integer} x
- {Integer} y
(x, y, red, green, blue, alpha)
Sets the pixel value at the specified location. Color values are floating point numbers in the range 0.-1.
- Example:
- Parameters:
- {Integer} x
- {Integer} y
- {Float} red
- {Float} green
- {Float} blue
- {Float} alpha
(rotation_x, rotation_y, rotation_z)
Sets the rotation for drawing internal to any of the "shape" drawing methods to the rotation specified
by the x_rot, y_rot, and rotation_x, rotation_y, and rotation_z arguments. Its use internal to a given
shape method such as torus(0.1) would essentially be equivalent to the following set of OpenGL calls.
- Example:
with (sketch) { glmatrixmode("modelview"); glpushmatrix(); glrotate(rotation_x,1.,0.,0.); glrotate(rotation_y,1.,1.,0.); glrotate(rotation_z,0.,0.,1.); torus(0.5,0.2); glpopmatrix(); }
- Parameters:
- {Float} rotation_x
- {Float} rotation_y
- {Float} rotation_z
Sets the OpenGL drawing primitive to use within any of the "shape" drawing methods.
Acceptable values for the draw_prim argument are the following strings:
- lines
- line_loop
- line_strip
- points
- polygon
- quads
- quad_grid
- quad_strip
- triangles
- tri_grid
- tri_fan
- tri_strip
- Example:
- Parameters:
- {String} draw_prim
(slice_a, slice_b)
Sets the number of slices to use when rendering any of the "shape" drawing methods.
Increasing the slice_a and slice_b arguments will increase the quality at which the shape is rendered,
while decreasing these values will improve performance.
- Example:
- Parameters:
- {Float} slice_a
- {Float} slice_b
(radius, theta1_start, theta1_end, theta2_start, theta2_end)
Draws a sphere with radius specified by the radius argument and center point at the current
drawing position. If the theta1_start, theta1_end, theta2_start, and theta2_end arguments
are specified, then a patch will be drawn instead of a full sphere. The theta1_start,
theta1_end, theta2_start, and theta2_end arguments are in terms of degrees(0-360). The current
shapeorient, shapeslice, and shapeprim values will also affect the drawing.
- Example:
- Parameters:
- {Float} radius
- {Float} theta1_start
- {Float} theta1_end
- {Float} theta2_start
- {Float} theta2_end
(parameter_name, parameter_values)
Set the current value of the parameter specified by the parameter_name argument to be the value specified
by parameter_values argument(s). Some parameters are global for the extent of a stroked path definition,
while others may vary on a point by point basis.
Basic 2D Stroke Style Parameters
Basic 2D Stroke Style Parameters
May vary point to point. Value is specified as an alpha value. Useful if alpha is the only color channel which will vary throughout the path. -
May vary point to point. Values are specified as red, green, blue, and alpha values. -
global. Value is specified as interpolation order. The default order is 3, or bi-cubic interpolation. -
global. Value is specified as on/off (0/1). The default is 1. -
May vary point to point. Values are specified as red, green, blue, and alpha values. If no outcolor has been specified, then the current color is assumed. -
May vary point to point. Value is specified as an width value. This value controls how wide the stroked path is. -
global. Value is specified as number of slices per curve section. The default is 20.
May vary point to point. Value is specified as an alpha value. Useful if alpha is the only color channel which will vary throughout the path. -
May vary point to point. Values are specified as red, green, blue, and alpha values. -
global. Value is specified as interpolation order. The default order is 3, or bi-cubic interpolation. -
global. Value is specified as number of slices per curve section. The default is 20.
- Example:
- Parameters:
- {String} parameter_name
- {mixed list} parameter_values
(x, y, z)
Defines an anchor point at the location specified by the x, y, and z arguments.
Some stroke styles such as "basic2d" will ignore the z coordinate.
- Example:
- Parameters:
- {Float} x
- {Float} y
- {Float} z
Draws the text specified by the string argument at the current drawing position, taking into account
the current font, fontsize, and text alignment. Text is strictly 2D, and does not take into account
any world transformations. After calling the text method, if the x axis text alignment is set to "left",
the current drawing position will be updated to reflect the world position associated with the end of
the string. If the x axis text alignment is set to "right", the current drawing position will be updated
to reflect the world position associated with the end of the string. If the x axis text alignment is
set to "center", the current drawing position will remain unchanged.
- Example:
- Parameters:
- {String} string
(align_x, align_y)
Sets the alignment of text to be drawn with respect to the current drawing position. Acceptable values
for the x axis alignment are:
- left
- right
- center
- bottom
- top
- center
- Example:
- Parameters:
- {String} align_x
- {String} align_y
(radius1, radius2, theta1_start, theta1_end, theta2_start, theta2_end)
Draws a torus with major radius specified by the radius1 argument, minor radius specified by the
radius2 argument, and center point at the current drawing position. If theta1_start, theta1_end,
theta2_start, and theta2_end are specified, then a patch will be drawn instead of a full torus.
The theta1_start, theta1_end, theta2_start, and theta2_end arguments are in terms of degrees(0-360).
The current shapeorient, shapeslice, and shapeprim values will also affect the drawing.
- Example:
- Parameters:
- {Float} radius1
- {Float} radius2
- {Float} theta1_start
- {Float} theta1_end
- {Float} theta2_start
- {Float} theta2_end
(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, z3)
Draws a filled triangle with three corners specified by the x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, x3, y3, and z3
arguments. After this method has been called, the drawing position is updated to the location specified
by the x3, y3, and z3 arguments.
- Example:
- Parameters:
- {Float} x1
- {Float} y1
- {Float} z1
- {Float} x2
- {Float} y2
- {Float} z2
- {Float} x3
- {Float} y3
- {Float} z3
(x, y, z)
Returns an array containing the x, y, and depth screen coordinates associated with a given world
coordinate. The depth value is typically specified in the range 0.-1. where 0 is the near clipping
plane, and 1. is the far clipping plane.
- Example:
- Parameters:
- {Float} x
- {Float} y
- {Float} z