
Last modified: 2012-12-5

Class SQLResult

Max contains an implementation of the SQLite database engine (more info available @ This database engine is accessible through both the C-API and directly in Max through the JavaScript interface. A tutorial on the Javascript interface written by Andrew Benson has been published on the Cycling '74 website. The Javascript interface is composed of two objects: SQLite and SQLResult. A SQLResult object is used to represent the data returned by queries to the SQLite object. These objects are created in the same manner as any object in Javascript, as shown below.

SQLResult in Cycling '74 Reference

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Representation of a SQLite result set.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Field name of given column
Count of columns in result
Count of records in result
value(column_index, record_index)
Value of field defined by column_index and record_index.
Class Detail


Representation of a SQLite result set. All records returned by the SQLResult object are returned as strings. Thus, a numeric value such as 1 is actually returned as the string "1". SQLite only uses datatypes as recommendations. It does not enforce data types and in fact always returns a string. More information about this and other SQLite-specific topics can be found in a Google Talk given by Richard Hipp (the author of the SQLite library) @
var sqlite = new SQLite;
var result = new SQLResult;
Method Detail


Field name of given column
{Integer} column_index



Count of columns in result



Count of records in result



(column_index, record_index)
Value of field defined by column_index and record_index. All records returned by the SQLResult object are returned as strings. Thus, a numeric value such as 1 is actually returned as the string "1". SQLite only uses datatypes as recommendations. It does not enforce data types and in fact always returns a string.
{Integer} column_index
{Integer} record_index

Max MSP Documentation copied to JsDoc by Tim Schenk SEO Frelancer Berlin. Some examples are by him. Some descriptions of classes, interfaces, properties, methods or events are by him. Until now, most of it is a copy. Published with permission of Cycling '74. This document might be wrong or incomplete. All informations without any warranty. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit on 2012-12-5